AIB life | Fund Factsheet

Key facts

Launch Date24/03/2023
Additional AMC0.00%
Fund ManagerIrish Life Investment Managers
Asset MixEquities and derivatives
Investment StyleA combination of active and passive management

Risk Rating

This fund has a risk rating of 4. Before you invest in this fund, or any fund, it is important that you speak with your AIB Advisor to ensure you understand and are comfortable with the risks involved. Details of the risks of investing in a fund are explained in our Fund Guide which is available from your AIB Advisor.

Fund description

This fund aims to provide exposure to developed world equities while providing some protection against significant equity market falls. It does this through an option trading strategy which gives up some equity upside in order to generate income which is used to buy insurance to help protect against losses. The option trading strategy includes a protection element and a funding element. The protection element buys put options to insure the fund against severe losses. The funding element sells call options to generate income to pay for the protection. The option trading strategy has the effect of reducing the volatility of the fund by about half, compared with a pure equity investment. The fund is an Article 8 fund under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulations (SFDR), which means it incorporates environmentally friendly or socially responsible investments.

Fund description

This fund aims to provide exposure to developed world equities while providing some protection against significant equity market falls. It does this through an option trading strategy which gives up some equity upside in order to generate income which is used to buy insurance to help protect against losses. The option trading strategy includes a protection element and a funding element. The protection element buys put options to insure the fund against severe losses. The funding element sells call options to generate income to pay for the protection. The option trading strategy has the effect of reducing the volatility of the fund by about half, compared with a pure equity investment. The fund is an Article 8 fund under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulations (SFDR), which means it incorporates environmentally friendly or socially responsible investments.

Performance to

1 month 3 months 6 month 1 year
Defensive Equity Collar 0.2% 5.4% 7.4% 17.4%
Notes: Annual management charges (AMC) apply. The fund performance shown is before the full AMC is applied on your policy.

Responsible Investing

In line with the overall fund objective, the fund targets investment in strategies which help contribute to achieving its sustainability goals. This involves selecting strategies which exclude or reduce exposure to companies with poorer sustainability characteristics and increasing exposure to companies with better sustainability characteristics. Sustainability characteristics are also considered in the selection of property and alternative funds.

The Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Risk Rating measures the degree to which a company's economic value is at risk due to not considering ESG factors using a calculation of the company's unmanaged ESG risks.

Fossil Fuel Involvement measures the percentage of earnings that companies get from thermal coal extraction, coal-based power generation, oil and gas production, oil and gas based power generation, and oil and gas related products and services.

Carbon intensity is a metric used to compare company emissions across industries. The absolute emissions is divided by total earnings with the figure expressed in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per million USD of total earnings.

ESG Score

Characteristic Fund Benchmark
Environmental Risk 3.8 4.5
Societal Risk 8.8 9.3
Governance Risk 6.0 6.3
Overall ESG Risk 18.6 20.1
Fossil Fuel 6.5 8.7
Carbon Intensity 62.2 98.1
Note that ESG scores are currently only calculated for equities and corporate bonds. A lower score indicates a lower level of unmanaged ESG risk and a lower level of potential risk to the economic value.

Fund Holdings

Asset allocation

Top ten share holdings

Stock name% of fund
Apple Inc5.40
NVIDIA Corp5.00
Microsoft Corp4.70
Alphabet Inc2.70 Inc2.40
Tesla Inc1.80
Visa Inc1.20
MasterCard Inc1.00
Netflix Inc1.00

Share sector distribution

Share regional distribution


Important Information

Fund performance figures shown are as at 16/01/2025 and before tax and annual management charges. The return on policies linked to a fund may differ from the performance figures shown due to the effect of charges.

While the information set out is accurate at the date of publication, we cannot guarantee its accuracy after that.

Before you invest in a fund it is important that you speak with your AIB Advisor to ensure you understand and are comfortable with all features of the fund, including the risks involved. We refer you to our Fund Guide which details all such features (including the risks) and which is available from your AIB Advisor.